Children’s Ministry
We love to partner with families in helping children to know Jesus and His love, to grow in Him, and to learn how to share His love with others! Our Children’s Ministry includes Nursery Care, Sunday School, Vacation Bible School, and special events throughout the year.
Sunday Schedule:
Sunday School for grades kindergarten-6th takes place at 10 a.m. September-May. Children are welcomed in worship, during which the pastor leads “Sharing God’s Story” for ages 0-high school seniors. There is nursery care during worship for younger children.
Sunday School Classes are primarily Bible story teaching and interactive discovery. The take home papers and projects promote personal study and prayer.
Children’s Ministry Staff
Children’s Ministries & Nursery Coordinator: Alice Lisotto
Adult Christian Education
The objective of study is to deepen our faith while exploring together. We gather for the opportunity to ask faith questions, explore the Bible, and engage contemporary issues through the lens of our faith.
Schedule: please call the office for the most up to date meeting dates and topics.