- We are located at the corner of 3rd Street and Center Ave. in Aspinwall.
- Street parking is available on both sides of Center Ave during worship. Lot parking is available at Weddell Ajak Funeral Home at the corner of 1st Street and Center Ave.
- We are handicapped accessible.
- Traditional in format, centered on God’s Holy Word; congregational hymn singing and choral anthems; Small Talk for our younger parishioners
- Communion is offered once/month to anyone who is accustomed to taking Communion.
- All kinds of people visit from near and far: Curious, skeptical, life-long church goers, and folks who have never been to church before will all be there on any given Sunday as well as people who have grown up in Aspinwall Presbyterian Church and who now bring their children.
- People of all ages, stages of life, and spiritual development are drawn to us. Expect to see individuals, couples, families of all ages, seniors, etc. If there is no one here like you, we would love for you to be the first one “like you” to join us!
- Clothing styles vary. Some folks dress up in jackets and dresses. Others dress more casually.
- More dress up than don’t. You probably won’t see that many blue jeans or flip flops. Wear what you like. There is no real dress code. Unless you’re in the choir: they wear robes, as does the pastor.
- You will be greeted by an Usher who will hand you a bulletin that guides everyone through the order of worship. Feel free to sit in any pew.
- Worship begins with organ music before the hour to help you get centered and prepared to worship God.
- The bulletin contains news, order of worship, indicators of when to stand when able, Bible readings, hymn numbers, etc. – everything you will need to follow along.
- We truly welcome children in worship and believe their presence is vital to our community.
- We include them in a portion of service called Small Talk and welcome their participation.
- Usually about an hour. Sometimes a little longer on special occasions.
- You are encouraged to participate as fully in our worship as you feel comfortable.
- The congregation is invited to stand several times for singing hymns, certain prayers, and readings. These times are noted with an * in the bulletin, or you can watch the rest of the congregation.
- A voluntary offering is collected every Sunday after the sermon, to express our gratitude and to help God’s work get accomplished
- Communion is served monthly, usually by intinction where you are invited to walk to the front to receive it from Elders if you are able. You are welcome to participate or to remain in the pew.
- We welcome all. For specific information, please contact us.
- No persons shall be denied membership because of race, ethnic origin, worldly condition, or any other reason not related to profession of faith. We extend the fellowship of Christ to all persons.
- Either contact us via email, or fill out the Friendship Register with your email address on your next visit and our pastor will contact you.
If you want to learn more about the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) check out Presbyterian 101: A general guide to facts about the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)