Palm Sunday

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

Our regular 11:00 service will be enlivened with palms and a dramatic look at the days ahead.

Belle Voci Rehearsal

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

Maundy Thursday

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

We remember Jesus’ last night, and his final supper with the twelve, with communion on one of the most sacred nights of the year.

OA Meeting

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

Roots of Faith Meal Service

Volunteers are always welcome to help serve the evening meal at Roots of Faith in Sharpsburg.

Good Friday

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

We will again have two opportunities—from noon to 1:00 p.m., the church will be open for quiet prayer with music and readings; feel free to come and leave during that time as your schedule permits. At 7:00 p.m., we will worship together.

AA Meeting

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

Easter Sunday

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

We will have a very special 11:00 worship service. There will be special flowers, an interactive telling of the Easter story with children, and a joyful celebration of Christ’s resurrection. Communion will be served.

Backpack for Hunger

Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh

Volunteers are welcome to join in packing food for needy Fox Chapel School District students.

Session Meeting

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States