Belle Voci Choir Rehearsal

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

OA Meeting

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

AA Meeting

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

Spaghetti Luncheon

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States

The Christian Education committee will once again sponser a Spaghetti Luncheon, immediately following worship service.  Come and enjoy some fellowship and eat a great spaghetti lunch, or take it home.  Lunch includes pasta, meatballs, salad, a drink {coffee, tea, water or lemonade} and dessert!

Backpack for Hunger

Fox Chapel Presbyterian Church 384 Fox Chapel Road, Pittsburgh

Volunteers are needed to help pack food items for Fox Chapel Area School District students in need.

Belle Voci Choir Rehearsal

Aspinwall Presbyterian Church 299 Center Ave, Aspinwall, PA, United States